Last night saw the first of two open sessions for girls only football. Alongside our regular players across under 10 and 11 age groups (school years 5 and 6) an additional 19 new starters came along to get involved in a fun, open session led by Junior Girls Head Coach Dave Hotchkiss.
With girls across all primary school ages taking part, the girls were divided into groups to practice their skills, dribbling, turns, passing and of course a couple of mini matches.
The girls left the session with a smile on their faces and we look forward to welcoming them back next week!
Dave commented at the end of the session “to see over 40 girls training with us this evening was fantastic, phenomenal in fact! We only set up the under 10s last September with 7 girls, so to have this many now learning the beautiful game with the Coll’s in just under 9 months is a real honour to be part of, and testament to the hard work that goes on behind the scenes at the club. Add to that the disruption to football because of the pandemic and this is a truly wonderful achievement.”
If your daughter is interested in getting involved it’s not too late! Please contact Dave Hotchkiss via mobile 07872 808206 or email [email protected] for more information.